Reviewing Life Experiences

Reviewing Life Experiences
Canary Islands Cruise 2024

Welcome To Reviewing Life Experiences

Hi, I am Terry and welcome to Reviewing Life Experiences I hope that you will find information on my website that will interest, entertain and inform you. so make sure you have a look at the posts I have published here.

What is Reviewing Life Experiences all about?

The purpose of this Reviewing Life Experiences is to share with you some of my thoughts insights and hopefully helpful advice.

I review music, books, films and experiences that life throws at me and how I dealt with them.

I am not a lifestyle guru or an internet influencer but I am just someone who loves sharing thoughts and ideas with people who come to read my blog.

When it comes to reviewing life experiences I have had a lot of experience in life. I started as an apprentice Plumber and Heating Engineer, which didn’t work for me so over the years moved from job to job for many years.

About me – a brief history

As a teen and into my early 20’s I loved to write. I spent many hours writing stories and poetry. I wrote mainly for myself. I found that it was a good way of exercising my emotions and believe me I had a lot of them.

For a short time, I played bass in an amateur band called 3 Minute Warning, in a small village called Sapcote, Leicestershire, in the early 1980s. I was a self-taught Bass Player and we played music of the era. 

We gigged in a few local pubs and clubs in our area. Maybe the thing that killed it for us was that we were a New Wave band and at that time Ska music was just breaking in Coventry not far from where we lived.

We also wrote some of our songs too. I even managed to talk the band into using some of my lyrics for one of our songs that have now long gone and disappeared from people’s memories. 

“I was walking on the beach, thinking love was out of reach. As you passed me by, you kicked sand in my eye. I knew you were the one, and I don’t know why. And I love you, yes I do. And I love you, I know it’s true. And I love you, I am in love with you.”

Lyrics by Terry and Music by 3 Minute Warning

Theological Training

I spent three years at a Pentecostal Theological College, which was the best three years of my life. I enjoyed the study, the people, the friendships and even the public speaking. 

I did become a minister of a Church for several years, which I found very challenging at times. Not as you might imagine a crisis of faith, I discovered that people were very hard to work with and many people didn’t like change. So at that point, I decided that Church work wasn’t for me.

Married and Divorced

 I was married in 1987 and divorced in 2009. I am a very proud father of two lovely children, a son and a daughter, who have now grown up, and making a life for themselves in Lincolnshire where I lived for over twenty-five years. You can read about my divorce experience by clicking here.

What I am doing now

I now live in Hertfordshire with my lovely wife Debbie. I have recently taken retirement but also working part-time in the health sector analysing Population Health Management data to help improve health outcomes in the local area. I am hoping that now I have more time to spare I can concentrate on producing more content for you on Reviewing Life Experiences.

I imagine you are like me, your head is a warehouse full of thoughts, ideas and experiences that you want to share with others too. Now you have an opportunity to comment and add your thoughts and ideas on any of my blogs.

So welcome to my site, Reviewing Life Experiences. Please grab a cup of your favourite drink, sit down, relax and enjoy my site. Please feel free to comment, and share your ideas and thoughts whether you love or hate what I have to say.

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  1. Hello Terry, I am following with interest and have learnt a lot from your introductory post. I had no idea about your earlier career. You excel in your current field and it is hard to picture you in the other roles.
    Do you have photos from your days as a musician?
    Best wishes from
    A former colleague ☺

    • Hi Karen, there are pictures somewhere. We tried to take some promotional pictures at the time but I don’t know where they went.

  2. Great website. I like the blog posts and variety of topics. Interesting to learn about your history and life experiences. Good luck with the site.

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