

Beyond belief in Reeth

Beyond belief

Beyond belief in Reeth Recently I had a long weekend with my partner in the north Yorkshire Dales which was just beyond belief. Booked the week before we left to stay at Arkleside Guest House in Reeth.  I have not…

Tolerating Intolerance

Tolerating Intolerance I have become increasingly aware of how as a society tolerating intolerance. There is a myth that prevails that as a nation we are a very tolerant people. That we are accepting of people who are difference to…

Introducing – Fifi Rong

Introducing Fifi Rong

Introducing Fifi Rong I have been meaning to write an introduction to Fifi Rong for some time now. I often feel that it is my mission in life to introduce new bands and singers that I enjoy to my peers and…

Thor Ragnarok (The Movie)

Thor Ragnarok

Thor Ragnarok I have recently been to see the Thor Ragnarok movie and to be honest I am not really sure if I enjoyed it or not. The premise of the movie is that Thor has been thrown out of…

5 lessons I have learnt from life

There are 5 lessons I have learnt from life experiences I want to share with you.
Photo by Jill Wellington on Pexels

There are 5 lessons I have learnt from life experiences I want to share with you. Welcome happiness where you find it in my experience happiness is both hard to define and also fleeting. You can be happy one moment…