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Beyond belief in Reeth

Beyond belief in Reeth

Recently I had a long weekend with my partner in the north Yorkshire Dales which was just beyond belief. Booked the week before we left to stay at Arkleside Guest House in Reeth.  I have not experienced such a peaceful place in my adult life. At night-time when it was getting dark at home at around 10:00 pm it was still daylight in Reeth. We sat on bench near the village green and all we could hear was the birds singing and the orchestral bleating of the sheep in the fields around us.

It took me back to my childhood. I grew up in a small village of Sapcote in Leicestershire, which in my younger days was a typical peaceful village. Sunday mornings during the summer months I would be woken early by the sun shining into my bedroom window. In those days on hot summer nights we would have the windows open an as I lay on my bed Sunday mornings I  would hear the church bells ringing people to church. As I sat on the bench in Reeth I began to yearn for my childhood days and the simpler life we led.

Village Green
Reeth Village Green 22:00 July 7th 2018
Reeth Village
Reeth Village 23:00 July 7th 2018

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History of Reeth

Driving around the area of Reeth I noticed that there were a number of villages that had Viking sounding names like Asrigg and Aysgarth,  I am not a linguist expert by any means but they piqued my interest. Reeth is mentioned the Domesday Book and in 1066 the Lord of the village was Thorfinn. In 1086 it was Bodin the brother of Bardulf who was the Lord both which have Nordic roots which could confirm my suspicions. for a little bit more information visit the Open Domesday Book a free online copy of the Domesday book. While there we did visit Aysgarth Falls which is worth a visit. it is a beautiful waterfall surrounded by woods again a very peaceful place to go and a few walks around there.

Aysgarth Falls

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Places to eat in Reeth

There were no shortage of places to eat in Reeth you had everything from Pubs, Hotels and Tea room to an Ice cream Parlour. Our favourite place to eat was the Copper Kettle at the bottom of the hill from the Guest house we were staying. If you visit Reeth you really should visit the Copper Kettle which is a licensed Tea Room and cafe. We found both the staff and locals very friendly, chatty and helpful. 

Inside the Copper Kettle
Real Coffee
Copper Kettle Real Coffee

[spacer height=”10px” id=”3″]While we were having breakfast we were able to chat with Adam, the owner of the Copper Kettle. He was able to advise us on places to eat, we chatted about events that take place there and a little bit of the history. We enjoyed breakfast there and they also do Gluten free and decaf coffee if you ask. They do have their own Facebook page you can check out TheCopperKettleReeth.

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Places to stay in Reeth

There are many places to stay in and around Reeth. We stayed in a Guest House run by Terry and Hannah Hill. The name of where we stayed was Arkleside Guest House. It was one the of the quietest places we have ever stayed with beautiful views from the window. Arkleside Guest House do a cooked breakfast too but we didn’t get to try as we like to be out and about a little later in the day. but if you want to check out their Guest House you can visit their website which is

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Looking for a peaceful getaway?

If you are looking for a peace few days away, especially in the Spring Summer months you cannot go wrong by visiting Reeth for a few day. If you go in July you might see the village sports day which is a family event, but if you want to take place i hear that it is no small feat. We thoroughly enjoyed our three nights in Reeth and will definitely go back again. If you do go during a hot summer like we did and you want somewhere to cool down then take a drive in the National Park and park up on the side of the road and cool down the lovely breeze that blows over the tops of the hills there.

Have you ever visited Reeth? If so where did you stay? Were you as impressed as we were with Reeth? Where would you recommend staying in the North Yorkshire Dales? I would love to hear your views and recommendations in the comments.

Hills near Reeth

[spacer height=”20px”]Reeth definitely get five stars from me.

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