5 years until the next General Election
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5 years until the next General Election
When I think about that there are 5 years until the next General Election and I recall the words of David Bowie from the track ‘5 Years’ which say “We’ve got 5 years, stuck on my eyes, 5 years, what a surprise, We’ve got five years, my brain hurts a lot 5 years, that’s all we’ve got.” I guess it isn’t as apocalyptic as the Bowie song that was talking about the end of the world.
As a Country, we have the decision to make tomorrow, 12th of December 2019 in the General Election. After that, we will have to wait 5 years until the next General Election.
I have been pretty stressed recently over the General Election. I know who I wouldn’t vote for but my battle has been with who I shall vote for!

I was listening to BBC news driving into work today, and one of their political reporters said that the country “is at a huge junction” The two main issues I can see are Brexit and the NHS. For me, the issues go far wider than just Brexit, though I do believe the NHS is important.
Huge Junction
I feel that it is important for me to vote this year probably more than other. I do feel like we are at a junction, a crossroads in our Country I do have concerns over the rise of right-wing politics and popularism in the same way if there was a rise of the left wing as extremism always brings misery, pain, isolation and war.
I have concerns over lying politicians. I have heard it said that politicians always lie and that may be true but now politicians can lie, get caught in the lie and still get voted into power. We have seen it even in recent days where truth is called “fake news” and lies are accepted as truth.
2019 General Election
The 2019 General Election will go further than the next 5 years, it is going to affect the next generation of people. The decision we make tomorrow our sons and daughters will have to deal with the fallout in the future.
The question we need to ask ourselves isn’t how important is Brexit to me. It is how important is truth to me. How important is health care to my family and my community? How important are human rights to me? How important is my future, the future of my children?
2019 is a pivotal year
2019 is a crucial year in which in many changes will come with whoever wins the General Election. There will be a major upheaval for us but we have to choose which upheaval we want to live with and put up with for the foreseeable future. Make a decision tomorrow that you know that you can live with and that you can look into the face of your children and grandchildren and think to yourself “I did it for you!”
How will the election affect you?
How do you think the General Election will affect you? What are your feelings about the up and coming election? Do you have a prediction for the future?
Please comment and give me your views, thoughts and ideas in the comments below.
If you enjoyed reading the blog post I have lots of other posts for you to read. I wrote about the situation the Country finds itself in. You can read my blog post “If the kids are united then we’ll never be divided., you can read it by clicking here
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