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What a nightmare 2020 turned out to be

What a nightmare 2020 turned out to be

What a nightmare 2020 has turned out to be not just for the UK but for the world. I don’t believe that there has been one person that hasn’t been affected by this covid-19 pandemic anywhere in the world. Like a nightmare 2020 has been filled with sadness, horror, disappointment and division throughout the world.


As everyone knows the world has faced the first pandemic in 100 years. The last one is known as the Spanish Flu. This has been devastating for people all over the world. This covid-19 pandemic has taken loved ones from their families and taken livelihoods away I guess I don’t have to spell it out as someone you know has been touched in some way by COVID-19.

Photo by CDC on

Best and the worst

This covid-19 pandemic has brought out the best and the worst out in people. We have seen people clapping our NHS, Carers and essential workers. It has really shown us who the essential workers and they are the ones we thought they were. These essential workers were Nurses, Health Care Assistance, and receptionists in your local doctor’s surgery.

Our essential workers are people who work in the supermarkets, stocking the shelves, and delivering food to our supermarkets. The cleaners, and the care workers in the care homes. People that we don’t give a second thought about until we need them. They all deserved our applause and more, they deserve our gratitude.

When it comes to pay rises in the future it is them that should be first in line and not the rich bankers or the CEOs of big businesses. It is these people that have kept this country going and running as it should.


We have also seen the bad, when I think of this I think of the selfish people who emptied the shops, taking two trolleys full of goods and not leaving anything for those who need them or can’t afford to bulk buy and stockpile. We have seen the deniers who walk around unmasked, uncaring about the possibility that they could be passing on the virus to some vulnerable people just because they feel OK. It’s not OK to put someone else in danger. I don’t know anyone who would drive a car and let a passenger sit there and not wear a seat belt.

Time to reflect

For me, Christmas time is a time to reflect. Reflect on the years gone by. I think as we get older we do tend to do that. People, experiences and memories are what make us who we are. At Christmas time I think about my family, especially those who are no longer with us.

I think about my family when I was a child and the kind of Christmases we had. I wasn’t from a religious family but we knew how to get together and celebrate. I remember the times when the six of us would sit around the dinner table. Enjoying the food, the family and the in jokes that were made. We were not a wealthy or well-off family but my parents always made sure we had the best Christmas we could.

Each year I have a glass of Cherry Brandy or Advocaat and each year I remember and celebrate my mum. Her treat at Christmas was to have a glass of Cherry Brandy or Advocaat and I sit there drinking it I have warm memories of my mum sitting in her chair enjoying that moment.

2020 has been a long year

Christmas 2020

2020 has been a long year but I consider myself to have been fortunate. Unlike a lot of people, I have been able to work. My family has been safe from the pandemic, unlike some of my friends and colleagues that have been touched by it. I have learnt to adjust to working at home and doing much of my work over the telephone and via video. I have struggled with blogging and this is my first article since March 2020.

We have all experienced lockdown to some extent or another. This has been a necessity to save the lives of those around us, especially the elderly, vulnerable and frail. This will probably continue into 2021 but we should not give up self-isolating ourselves, it is a small sacrifice to make to keep others alive and well.

Christmas wish

My Christmas message last year was very different. The pandemic was not even on the horizon for the average person. Maybe they knew about it in Wuhan, China, this time last year but we were blissfully unaware. what a difference a year makes! now many of us are experts on the subject of the pandemic

Finally, my Christmas wish for all my readers and subscribers is that you have a merry Christmas. It may be small this year and it was disappointing to receive the news at short notice that Christmas, though not cancelled we will not be able to share it with our nearest and dearest. I will miss spending time with my children this year. The sacrifice is worth it for the coming years in which we will be able to do that.

My last final is that you have a healthy and happy New Year. Do not be tempted to blow all the good work over the past year and Christmas by mixing and inviting lots of people around for a New Year’s party. Do what I do, put Jools Holland Hootenanny on TV with a glass of good cheer and enjoy the moment. Keep safe and keep well in 2021.

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