

What a nightmare 2020 turned out to be

What a nightmare - Christmas 2020
Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels.com

What a nightmare 2020 turned out to be What a nightmare 2020 has turned out to be not just for the UK but for the world. I don’t believe that there has been one person that hasn’t been affected by…

Britain is on lockdown at last March 23rd 2020

Boris Johnson declares a lock down of the UK
f you seen the news tonight you would see that Britain is on lock down at last. This has never happened in my generation and probably not in yours either. We have not become a police state but at last the government has done something I agree with and I never though I would ever say that.

Two words of 2020 self-isolate

Photo by Yaroslav Danylchenko on Pexels.com
Panic has taken hold of many people who would otherwise be very reasonable. Panic has become a worldwide phenomenon in which people are seeing the outbreak of coronavirus as major threat to life and so people want to protect themselves rather than protecting the vulnerable, frail and elderly.

A Huge Welcome to the Roaring 20’s

Welcome to the new roaring 20’s Welcome to the roaring twenties. I feel that it is appropriate that I started my blog, at 20:00 on Tuesday the 31st of December 2019. At the beginning of the 1920’s Britain was just…

Christmas Message 2019

Christmas 2019 Christmas 2019 is just ahead of us, in fact just a few hours away. We have already been given the heads up of the Queens speech already, it has been quoted as the Queen saying that 2019 has…

5 years until the next General Election

5 years until the next General Election
I recall the words of David Bowie from the track ‘5 Years’ which say “We've got 5 years, stuck on my eyes, 5 years, what a surprise, We've got five years, my brain hurts a lot 5 years, that's all we've got.” I guess it isn’t as apocalyptic as the Bowie song that was talking about the end of the world but as a Country, we have a decision to make tomorrow, 12th of December 2019.