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Reviewing Life Experiences

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My First Blog

Welcome to my first blog

Welcome to my first blog. This is my attempt at writing my first blog and a real amateur.
This is my first time using WordPress and it is a bit of a maze but I am getting able to post my first blog post. I have a lot of life experiences that I hope to share with my readers. I have done some creative writing in the past for my own pleasure. Now I want to write for other people. 

My First Blog

I am sitting at my iMac hoping that inspiration will hit me soon. At the time of writing this, I am wondering what shape my site will take. My goal is to share with you my experience from life and also give you an opportunity to share your experiences too.

I feel I have so much that I want to say, not just for your benefit but also to exorcise it from my head. Over my life, I have been through many things and lived in different places within the UK and with each thing and place, there is a story to be told.

I am looking forward to really getting started on this and on our journey together to get to know you too.  

comment on my posts I would love to see what you have to say or think. I am a people person first and enjoy interacting with other people.

Read more of my blog posts

If you would like to read more or learn more about me then visit my blog page and see my other posts. they are growing all the time and there is information that you will enjoy.

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